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China Resources Gas independently owns the copyright of all information on relevant pages of China Resources Gas website, or jointly owns copyright of the information on relevant pages with the providers of such information. No one is allowed to copy any content of China Resources Gas website or produce mirror images on servers not belonging to China Resources Gas without the express written permission of China Resources Gas.


(1) The information published on this website may not contain the latest information of China Resources Gas and its businesses. The company does not claim or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any content published on the website; and the company does not assume any responsibility for quality assurance to users who buy or acquire any product, information or service through the relevant advertising, information or offer on this website.


(2) China Resources Gas does not provide any express or implied warranty or guarantee for services provided on the website, including but not limited to merchantability, applicableness for particular purposes, non-infringement and other guarantees or warranties.


(3) User expressly understands and agrees that China Resources Gas is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive liability (even if China Resources Gas has been told in advance of the possibility of such damages) for any profits, goodwill, application, data loss or other intangible losses caused by the following reasons:


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(6) The website cooperates with others in content following the principle of mutual benefit. All information reproduced has obtained oral or written permission of the copyright owners. If there is any omission, please contact us and provide the appropriate evidence documentary.


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(1) Users can visit our website and obtain information at anonymous status. Prior to requesting users to provide relevant information to this website, the website will explain the purpose of this information, and some services are only available after user registration. Under normal circumstances, such registration only requires the user to provide an email address and basic information, such as work, job title, etc. The website may require for more information sometimes in order to get a better understanding of users’ needs and to provide users with more efficient services. Information collected by this website includes name, address and mobile phone number, and users have the right not to accept any information from us at any time.


(2) Users can visit our website and obtain information at anonymous status. Prior to requesting users to provide relevant information to this website, the website will explain the purpose of this information, and some services are only available after user registration. Under normal circumstances, such registration only requires the user to provide an email address and basic information, such as work, job title, etc. The website may require for more information sometimes in order to get a better understanding of users’ needs and to provide users with more efficient services. Information collected by this website includes name, address and mobile phone number, and users have the right not to accept any information from us at any time.


(3) The website will take reasonable security measures to protect personal information that the user has stored. This site will not provide any users’ personal information to any unrelated third parties (including entity or individual) without the consent of users, except otherwise stipulated by law or government mandatory provisions.


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Forward-looking Statements
The information published on this website may contain forward-looking statements, which bear considerable risks and uncertainties in nature. The purpose for publishing forward-looking statements on China Resources Gas and related business on the website is to identify that they are forward-looking statements, and the company has no intention to continually update these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the company's current views of future events, instead of a guarantee of future business performance.


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Domain trademarks, text, video and audio content, graphics and images on this website are protected by relevant trademarks and copyrights laws. Without the prior express written consent of China Resources Gas, no entity or individual is allowed to copy or transfer in any form. "China Resources Gas", "crcgas", etc. are registered trademarks of China Resources Gas Group, and are protected by Chinese law.

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