
Functions of Each Committee

Functions of Each Committee

Audit Committee The members of the Audit Committee comprise three Independent Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Wong Tak Shing, Mr. Yu Hon To, David and Mr. Yang Yuchuan and two Non-executive Director namely, Mr. Wang Yan and Madam Wan Syet Fei. Mr. Yu Hon To, David is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee assists the Board in providing an independent and objective review of the effectiveness of the financial reporting process, internal control and risk management as well as internal audit function of the Group. It primarily aims to increase the Board’s effectiveness, accountability, transparency and objectivity. Click to view

Remuneration Committee The members of the Remuneration Committee comprise three Independent Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Wong Tak Shing, Mr. Yu Hon To, David and Mr.Hu Xiaoyong and one Executive Director namely, Mr. Jing Shiqing. Mr. Wong Tak Shing is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. The duties of the Remuneration Committee, among others, are to make recommendations to the Board on the Group’s policy and structure for the remuneration of directors and senior management and to review and approve performance-based remuneration by reference to corporate goals and objectives resolved by the Board from time to time. Click to view

Nomination Committee The members of the Nomination Committee comprise three Independent Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Wong Tak Shing , Mr. Yu Hon to,David and Mr.Yang Yuchuan, and two Non-Executive Directors namely, Mr. Wang Chuandong and Mr.Jing Shiqing. Mr. Wang Chuandong is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The primary objective of the Nomination Committee is to assist the Board in establishing a formal, considered and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the Board. The Nomination Committee’s duties would also include, among others, the review of the structure, size and composition of the Board on a regular basis and make recommendations to the Board regarding any proposed changes. Click to view

Investment Committee The members of the Investment Committee comprise of one Independent Non-executive Director namely, Mr. Wong Tak Shing, two Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Wang Chuandong and Mr. Chen Ying. Mr. Wang Chuandong is the Chairman of the Investment Committee. The primary objective of the Investment Committee is to assist the Board in making investment decisions in respect of the downstream city gas distribution business within the investment threshold as authorized by the Board. Click to view

Corporate Governance Committee The members of the Corporate Governance Committee comprise two Independent Non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Wong Tak Shing and Mr. Yang Yuchuan, and one Executive Directors namely Mr. Shi Shanbo. Mr. Shi Shanbo is the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee. The Corporate Governance Committee assists the Board in developing and reviewing the policies and practices on corporate governance which are applicable to the Group and making recommendations to the Board. Click to view

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